Thursday 30 March 2017

Acne Scars Remedies and Treatment

The following article is about “Acne scars remedies and treatments”.
Suffering from acne, whether moderate or severe, is quite unpleasant especially when you are in your teens and early twenties.
Acne is considered a temporary disease, except in cases where due to hormonal imbalances or stress, it still remains in adulthood, but depending on how intense the antecedent, will be the sequels.
This means that the more serious or severe the outbreaks, the greater the risk of scars of larger size, depth and quantity. The scars generate much insecurity, shyness and fear of rejection, in the people who possess them.

This is usually stronger in men than in women, because they do not enjoy that camouflage tool like makeup, and are forced to show their complexion as it is.

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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Aloe Vera Health Benefits & Home Remedies

Aloe Vera Health Benefits #1 - Improves Digestion:- Aloe Vera improves digestion since it has excellent laxative properties.
Aloe Vera Health Benefits #2 - Aids in Weight Loss:- Drinking Aloe Vera juice on regular basis will help in reducing weight in a quick way. Aloe juice aids in weight loss since it has excellent digestive and detoxifying properties.

Aloe Vera Health Benefits #3 - Relieves from Constipation:- Consumption of Aloe Vera juice results in more bowel system activity by making the food intake pass through your digestive system easily. (Aloe Vera juice increases the intestinal water content and the stimulation of peristalsis, this makes you pass stool easily (normally).So consuming aloe juice on regular basis relieves constipation.

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Saturday 18 March 2017

Amla Health Benefits and Home Remedies

Amla tree is grown for its edible fruit which has an excellent health benefits and plays a major role in Ayurvedic (herbal) medicine.  This fruit can be grown tropical and sub-tropical regions. Amla is also known as “Indian Gooseberry” or simply “Gooseberry” in English. Amla tree is small to medium in size and can reach up to 24 feet in height. Amla flowers are greenish-yellow and the fruit is nearly spherical, light greenish yellow, quite smooth and hard on appearance. Amla is great source of vitamin ‘C’ and excellent for hair and skin health benefits. Growing Amla tree is easy and can plant this tree in back yard for homely use. Amla fruit can be consumed as raw or used for culinary purposes. 

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